Hello all and welcome back for another great term ahead.

There are so many lovely things going on in and around school and we are very excited for Ms Watson to join us next week as Oak Class teacher. Mr Ashton will also be staying in school for a couple more weeks as additional class support.

You will see Mr Gilmour returning to school every other Friday all day for the foreseeable future and he will be on hand for you to make appointments to speak to him should you have any SENquestions or concerns about you child.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in school for a music and arts celebration on Tuesday 21st May. You can listen to the school band rehearse and you can join in with art work in the classrooms. Information is on our newsletter. Speaking of music and the arts, we are very excited to be preparing for our second collaboration concert with St.Francis! This will be on the 12th July in church and we will enjoy an afternoon of school band and choir performances- you can watch last year’s concert on our website homepage (it lasts for half an hour, so a biscuit and a brew may be necessary)!

School trips are being booked in and we are also looking forward to the Bingo evening on the 17th May- a huge thank you to our friends of Claughton, who always work so hard to make these community and school events so welcoming and successful. Your work is always greatly appreciated.

Do come and join us for the float making afternoon on the 16th June-yes, it is that time of year again and we can’t wait. My Mr Men costume has been ordered, as has the face paint!

Before we broke up, we held active Stations of the Cross, as we journeyed with Jesus throughout Lent. We thank you all for sending in clothes for the Lancaster Homeless Shelter and for the food bank items that were greatly received.

Since then, we swapped two of our infant classrooms to create bespoke pre-school provision as an EYfS unit with Reception Class, which is really great because they all follow Development Matters curriculum and the provision is just beautiful. Mrs Byrne and Mrs Gornall are having a great time with the little ones and the little ones are certainly having a great time too! I am so pleased the new children have settled in so well…and after on two weeks!

Blossoms Class is also a thing of beauty and Miss Cross has used every space to create a relaxing, organised and bespoke Year 1 and 2 classroom environment. Have a look at the pictures below…