Welcome to this helpful signpost page-we hope you can find additional support here.

Below you will see a link to the SEND directory of services. Please contact school for support-we are happy to help and work in close partnership with you.



Below you will find a general early help and wider help service directory …




Who Location Additional information Contact Details
Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) CHiL is a partnership of the 15 Local Authorities in Lancashire, offering residents in the region access to free first time central heating, gas connections, affordable heating solutions, energy advice and support on a range of money saving energy measures to help you keep warm and save money. Telephone number:03306 061 488 (Local Rate)

Lancashire Young Carers

Age 5 to 17 Multiple 1:1 and targeted group work to support the CYP to manage their caring role. Utilising a whole family approach and referring and signposting to other agencies when required.

5 – 17yrs
CYP caring for a family member within the home who is physically or mentally ill or misuses substances
Self -referral
Professional referral

Telephone: 01772 641002

Referral email: lancashireyoungcarers@barnardos.org.uk

Website: Lancashire Young Carers | Barnardo’s (barnardos.org.uk)

Citizens Advise The pages will give you the information you need to make the right choices, including help to deal with your debt problems, how to avoid losing your home and how to get your finances back into shape. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/
Young Minds UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health. To stop young people’s mental health reaching crisis point. www.youngminds.org.uk/

0808 802 5544 (9am-4pm) If you need urgent help text YM to 85258. (24 hours a day) Parents Helpline
Call for free on 0808 802 5544 (9:30am – 4pm, Mon – Fri)


Fylde and Wyre

(Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service)

For new referrals – up to age 16


For existing referrals, support is offered up to age 18

Whitegate Drive Health Centre Offering a wide range of mental health support, from assessments to identify difficulties, a range of 1:1 theraputic interventions, as well as providing information and advice to families, young people, schools and other professionals.



*Primary mental health service


Telephone: 01253 957166


Email: ChildrensPsych.Fylde@lancashirecare.nhs.uk


Referrals sent to: C&F.ReferralCentre@lancashirecare.nhs.uk



(Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service)

Up to age 18 Whitegate Drive Health Centre Offering a wide range of mental health support, from assessments to identify difficulties, a range of 1:1 theraputic interventions, as well as providing information and advice to families, young people, schools and other professionals.



*Primary mental health service


Telephone: 0800 121 7762, Option 1





Referrals sent to: bfwh.OPTIONS4cyp@nhs.net


Online self-referral: NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria :: Blackpool CAMHS self-referral (healthyyoungmindslsc.co.uk)


Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm



(Child and Adolescent Support & Help Enhanced Response)

Up to 25 Based at Blackpool Victoria Hospital


Blackpool Victoria Hospital, evening and weekends only.

Provide emergency response for young people experiencing mental health issues including assessment of needs, risk and signposting

Seminar/Meeting Room, Fylde Coast Birth Centre, Blackpool Victoria Hospital.


Website: CASHER – Child & Adolescent Support & Help Enhanced Response – FYi Directory

Email: bfwh.casher.team@nhs.net
Telephone: 07810 696565

Team covers 365 days a year
Monday to Friday – 5pm to 10pm
Saturday & Sunday 10am to 8pm

CASHER Weekend Clinic Saturday and Sunday 2pm – 3pm
Evening wellbeing drop in @ The REACH-OUT Group Wyre Zone @Milton Street, Fleetwood Wednesdays 6.30 pm – 8.30pm
Additional REACH-OUT Group at Talbot and Brunswick Family Centre Every Tuesday 6pm – 8pm

Change Talks Any age In schools An education service seeking to revolutionise the way we think, talk and act about mental health and reduce the stigma. They deliver a mental health educational programme in schools to increase the resilience in CYPs. It is designed using both lived and professional experiences. This comprises of 6 sessions, lasting 1 hour per week covering topics such as: self-harm, drugs, social media, depression and bullying. Training also provided for foster carers and staff working residential services. Website: Change Talks :: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (lscft.nhs.uk)


Email: sam.tyrer@lancashirecare.nhs.uk


Residential training sign up:

Change Talks : Mental Health Awareness Training – FC0119 – Lancashire County Council

ChatHealth Age 11-19 Text Service It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. Just send a message, you don’t have to give your name.

Discreet and quick. It only takes one message to start making a difference. You’ll get confidential advice from trained health staff in your area.

Website: Chathealth.nhs.uk


Response time: Within 24 hours, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

Telephone: 07507 330510


Child Action North West Age 4 – 19 (up to 25 for adults with special educational needs) Multiple Locations Work with CYP offering therapeutic 1:1 support i.e. play therapy in primary, one to one counselling in secondary school, CBT , EMDR, life story work, systemic family practice & family support through various partners under the C&F wellbeing service


If schools would like to commission a therapeutic worker for the school this can be supplied.

Telephone: 01254 244596

Email: ehwb@canw.org.uk

Website: Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support – CANW

Childline Anyone under 19 Online, Telephone and online chat Free helpline offers confidential telephone counselling and advice

By signing up to childline, access will be given to their email and use of online chat

You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support.

Telephone: 0800 1111

Website: Childline | Childline

24hrs 7 days a week

Children and Families wellbeing services Wyre & Fylde Up to age 19 (up to age 25 for adults with special educational needs) Wyre Children and Family Wellbeing Service

Milton Youth & Community Centre

Offer: 1:1 targeted support with a whole family approach for children and young people assessed as having unmet needs at level two of the Continuum of Need.


CFW deliver a program of targeted group work for children, young people and families in our Neighborhood Centre’s and local communities – pls contact CFW for specific group details


Triple P parenting course & 1:1 intervention where required available via CFW

Family group conference  mediation available via CFW

Telephone: 01253 741 117



Children and Young People’s Psychological Service Age 4-18 Children’s Psychological Services Fylde Coast
2nd Floor Whitegate Health Centre
Whitegate Drive
A secondary level specialist service, that accepts referrals for children and young people presenting with moderate to severe psychological difficulties, who would likely benefit from specialist psychological assessment and therapeutic intervention for the child, young person and/or their parents or carers.


Most children and young people are referred by health professionals such as doctor (GP), hospital or community paediatrician, school nurse, or health visitor.  Professionals in education and social care can also refer children and young people into the service.

Telephone: 01253 957166
Email: ChildrensPsych.Fylde@lancashirecare.nhs.uk
Cruse Bereavement Care Lancashire (Hope Again) Age 12+ Multiple Locations Cruse offers face-to-face, telephone, email and website support. They have a Freephone national helpline and local services, and a website (hopeagain.org.uk) specifically for children and young people. Cruses services are provided by a network of 5,000 trained volunteers and are confidential and free.

Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Support. We offer support, advice and a type of signposting service solely online through our email address to bereaved children, young people, parents/guardians and professionals.

Email: lancashire@cruse.org.uk


Telephone: 01772 433645

General Enquires- hopeagain@cruse.org.uk

Website: www.hopeagain.org.uk

Educational Psychologist Ages 0 to 25 Multiple locations Educational psychologists primarily work with young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Psychology is used to hhelp with the development of learning, communication, physical and sensory needs and social and emotional skills needed for adulthood and independence. They provide consultations (group and individual) and support staff development and parent and carers. The service can be accessed by key workers in nursery, class teachers in primary school and form tutor or head of year in secondary school. Website: Educational psychologists – Lancashire County Council

Telephone: 01524 581 200 (Fylde and Wyre)

Parent/Carer Helpline
Thursday’s 12.30pm – 4.30pm (term time)
Telephone: 01772 530 444

Key Age 4 to 18 Multiple locations


 The team is made up of counsellors and wellbeing coaches, offering 6 – 12 week interventions to meet the needs of the individual family.


*Referral via C&F process

*CAF required

Referral form can be accessed via



Referral forms returned to


Kooth Age 10 to 25 Online


In schools

Kooth is a free, anonymous online chat and emotional wellbeing service for young people.

Kooth also have a range of resources for teachers, parents and young people to access. Kooth also deliver training in schools and assemblies on a range of broad and targeted topics that are suitable for audiences including young people and parents.

Website: Home – Kooth

Email: hhook@kooth.com (Lancashire Engagement Lead)

Lancashire Mind All ages Multiple Locations Works across Lancashire with the ultimate goal of creating a happier Lancashire. Supporting people to build resilience and learn coping strategies.


Together workshops

Provide information, tools, techniques & peer support to people who are supporting a young person with mental health difficulties

Wellbeing challenge

10 sessions with 10 pupils from each school to create a wellbeing event &

supporting schools to improve overall mental health

Telephone: 01772 520420 (Duty)

Telephone: 01257 231660


Website: Children and young people | Lancashire Mind

Lancashire Positive Minds Parents Leyland A service created by parents with lived experience of support their own children with mental health difficulties. Focussed around expanding the support for parents of children and young people with difficulties such as suicidal thoughts/attempts, self-harm, low mood, depression, ADHD, borderline personality disorders, eating disorders, OCD and more. Private facebook group developed for members to access and face to face meets are also planned. Website: ABOUT US | Lancashire Positive Minds

Facebook group: Lancashire Positive Minds | Facebook

Phone number: 07713337182 (Susie)

Email: enquiries@lancashirepositiveminds.co.uk

Learning Disability Team Up to 18 years Darwen,


Support for CYP to best manage emotional wellbeing and physical health issues. Work with CYP and family undertake

0– 18yrs
Diagnosed with a learning disability
No CAF required.
Fylde and Wyre provision GP reg
School, GP & Professionals can refer Family can re-refer

Website: Community Learning Disability Service : Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (lscft.nhs.uk)

Telephone: 01772 520 202

Email: LDReferralHub@lscft.nhs.u


Linden Centre From 4 years Trinity Hospice,


Group and one to one counselling for CYP for any type of bereavement. 1:1 counselling for any CYP who is living with, or helping to care for someone who has a non-curable, life limiting illness. 8 week therapeutic bereavement group providing peer support/friendships alongside the therapeutic work.

Schools Link service works with schools in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre offering: 1:1 or group staff support, specialist training and support for school staff, support for parents, one-to-one counselling for pupils experiencing bereavement or significant loss group programmes on fostering resilience, understanding anger and transition from primary to secondary schools

Referrals are accepted by anyone.

Phone number: 01253 952582

Website: Counselling and support – Trinity Hospice

Email: trinity.linden.centre@nhs.net


Mindsmatter Age 16+ Face to face


Mindsmatter are a wellbeing service that are part of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service and offer free psychological therapies to people 16 or over in Lancashire. A self-referral can be made online for anyone registered under a Wyre or Fylde GP. Website: Mindsmatter :: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (lscft.nhs.uk)

Self-Referral: Referral Form (mayden.co.uk)


Lancashire Victims Service

Age 10 to 18 Online To support children and young people 10-18 who have been affected by crime or subjected to bullying, threats or harassment. Or has experienced an incident that has left them shaken and traumatised. It doesn’t matter if they haven’t reported it to the police. We can offer: One to one support, Peer support sessions, Help young people to ensure they feel safe again, Supporting the young person if they do wish to report the crime, Support for the young person throughout the process if a case goes to court, Information about young people ‘s rights as a victim of crime, Informal therapeutic support matter 8 week course – low – medium risk women effected by domestic abuse We matter 8 week programme for parents whose children have become the perpetrator of domestic abuse. Also have a text service and webchat service. Professionals can make referrals. Website: Nest Lancashire – Supporting young victims

Text NEST and your number to 60777

Telephone: 0300 111 0323

Email: info@nestlancashire.org

Webchat: https://livechat.victimsupport.org.uk/newchat/chat.aspx?domain=nestlancashire.org&timestamp=1681304460524&session=410-1681304460522


New Start Age 4+ Multiple Locations New Start offers therapeutic support to children, young people and adults throughout Lancashire.

1:1 counselling Parent & child support

Bespoke group work

Staff support & mentoring

Triple R programme (resilience, robust & resourceful)

Can be referred by self, service, school.

Email: sarah@newstartltd.co.uk

Telephone: 07788447077

Website: www.newstartltd.co.uk


Neuro-developmental Pathway Age 5 to 16 Whitegate Drive Health Centre,

Blackpool, FY3 9ES

The Neurodevelopmental Pathway is an integrated multiagency pathway for CYPs who are causing parental and professional concern who require multiagency, specialist considerations of their needs. Referrals will be accepted from a professional and should be made using the School-Age ND Pathway referral form. The child must be registered under a GP in Blackpool, Fylde or Wyre. Website: Neurodevelopment Pathway | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (bfwh.nhs.uk)

Telephone: 01253 952852

Telephone: 01253 952503

Email: bfwh.ndp.referrals@nhs.net

Neurodevelopmental pathway coordinator – Denise Lightly

NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing Helpline All ages n/a A confidential and anonymous service that aims to support people’s wellbeing and mental health who live in Lancashire through phone and text. Opening hours
Monday to Friday – 7pm till 11pm
Saturday & Sunday – Midday till midnightText HELLO to 07860 022846Helpline: 0800 915 4640
Primary Mental Health Service


Fylde and Wyre


Professionals working with children and young people



Whitegate Drive Health Centre and Community Consultation with professionals regarding emotional health and wellbeing and CAMHS referrals.


Training workshops for professionals;

Introduction to CAMHS, Mental Health awareness, staff wellbeing, anxiety, low mood, self-harm, Youth Mental Health First Aid 2 day & 1 day training courses and parent workshops.

Website: Children and Young People :: Primary Mental Health Workers (healthyyoungmindslsc.co.uk)
Samaritans Any age Online




In schools

Samaritans provide confidential emotional support for people who are struggling with their mental health or people who are concerned about others. In addition to their free Helpline and email service, Samaritans also offer support to schools, colleges and communities through their postvention service, development of lesson plans and school talks. Support is not just available for young people but, parents and carers and educational professionals also. Website: Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

Open: 24 hours, 365 days

Telephone: 116 123

Email: jo@samaritans.org (please note that a response may take several days)

Shine Mental Health Support Team Aged 11 to 18 In Schools The Support and Help In Education Mental Health Support Team operate within education settings in the Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde areas. They aim to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing by de-stigmatising mental health. They offer timely, direct, psychological interventions to prevent deterioration of emotional wellbeing. SHINE support mild to moderate difficulties with low mood, anxiety, phobias, managing emotions and adjusting to transition by providing 6 to 8 cognitive behavioural sessions either one to one or in a group setting. SHINE also signpost on to services who can provide the right support if the referral is not suitable. Website: Fylde Coast Mental Health Support Team | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (bfwh.nhs.uk)


Telephone: 0800 121 7762 (Option 4)


Email: bfwh.shine-MHST@nhs.net

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Any Age Paediatric therapy,

St Annes,


Service is for children with speech, language, communication and/or eating and drinking difficulties. The aim of the Speech and Language Therapist is to help the child or young person to reach their full potential by providing assessment, diagnosis and intervention through programmes of activities, individual or group therapy and advice and support. Drop in clinics available. Website: Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service :: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (lscft.nhs.uk)


Telephone: 01253 951 101

Email: admin.paediatrictherapy@bfwh.nhs.uk

Referrals to: bfwh.admin.paediatrictherapy@nhs.net



Through the Empowerment Charity

Young People



Bispham Road,


The Children’s IDVA service offers specialised support to children and young people affected by domestic abuse. This can be through witnessing domestic abuse within the family or direct experience (young people in their own relationships).


Any child or young person living in the Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre area who is: • currently living in a home with domestic abuse. • having contact with the abusive parent/perpetrator of abuse. • experiencing abuse within their own intimate relationship. • currently on a child protection/child in need plan due to exposure of domestic abuse. • part of a family which has been referred to MARAC

Opening hours

Monday to Friday – 9am till 5pm


Website: THE DEN | Empowerment Charity


Telephone: 0300 3232 100 (option 3)


Email: admin@empowermentcharity.org.uk



Virgin school nursing  


Age 4 – 19yrs


In Schools One to one work advice & support to children and families re: emotional health and wellbeing, physical health and general advice. Support and advice to schools, safeguarding, TAF, CIN & CP, signposting, PHSE, weekly school drop ins, health needs assessments


*No referral required

*No CAF required

Virgin Care North Hub –

0300 247 0040 (Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm)


Website- Home – Lancashire Healthy Young People and Families Service (lancsyoungpeoplefamilyservice.co.uk)


Email:  VCL.019.SinglePointofAccess2@nhs.net

We are with you Up to age 25 Multiple Locations CYP emotional wellbeing support covering substance use,

Home visits and work in schools and the community.


CBT for CYP with low level anxiety and depression and also low level of experience of substance use.

Hidden Harms


Provide monthly ½ day training programme


Opening hours

Monday to Friday – 9am to 9pm

Saturday and Sunday – 10am to 4pm


Website: Home – With You (wearewithyou.org.uk)


Webchat available online for 13+


Winstons Wish Up to age 25




Multiple Locations

Winston’s Wish helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) through information about grief, on-demand helpline, email and live chat services, bereavement support and counselling, to support young people to understand their feelings, process their grief and find ways to move forward with hope for a brighter future.


They help the adults who are caring for young grieving people, including parents, school staff and healthcare professionals, through information, resources, training and on-demand services.


Freephone Helpline is free to call on 08088 020 021 and offers advice, guidance and support following a bereavement.

Referral for counselling: Make a referral to Winston’s Wish | Winston’s Wish (winstonswish.org)

Email for support: ask@winstonswish.org

Chat online between 3-8pm, weekdays: Winston’s Wish – giving hope to grieving children (winstonswish.org)

Young Minds All ages Online Providing young people with tools to look after their mental health. The website is full of advice and information on what to do if you’re struggling with how you feel. They empower parents and adults who work with young people, to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives and give young people the space and confidence to get their voices heard. They offer signposting. Website: YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
Youtherapy Age 11 to 25 26 Talbot Road, Blackpool CYP 1:1 counselling service covering any issues effecting their emotional health and wellbeing (including, CBT, & EDMR for trauma issues).

Walk and talk counselling can also be offered.

Choice of venues where counselling takes place can be provided


Website: YoutherapY | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (bfwh.nhs.uk)


Email: bfwh.youtherapy@nhs.net


Telephone: 01253 955858


Drop in service

Face to Face – Wednesday 3 till 5pm @ Talbot Road

Or Call 0800 121 7762 (option 3)


Click the links below for Parent and family support regarding safeguarding:

Healthy Young Minds

MINDS Matter

Kooth – Mental Health Support


Barnardos Support

Winston’s Wish