I am going to start at the very beginning, Acorns Class and the new starters.
It has been so lovely to welcome the new starters for stay and play sessions. Last Monday morning, I found Mrs Brice busy blowing balloons up to tie on the lovely gift bags, which contained a little dinosaur pebble, poem and a book bag. I know she had been in from very early on that day because she had been watching Harold and Hilda, the rabbits, bob about on the playground and play in the early morning sunrise.

When I walked towards Acorns classroom, a face popped up with a loud knock and it was a pirate, pointing to a book held in his hand!
This is what lies behind the double doors of the youngest children’s classroom…

Beautiful book story shelves with lots to explore (if the pirates at the door let you in)!

Our ‘wool n’ stitches’ young enterprise group had been busy making things for the social to raise money for children’s hospices and other charities. It is lovely to see children crafting and knitting at lunchtimes!

Blossom Class are wowing me with their reading skills and topic knowledge about the seaside…


The whole school enjoyed a great zoo trip together…thank you so much to our PTFA and all families who support events to pay for trips like this…

The children enjoyed Yogi wellbeing classes…   
Acorns Class has a visitor from a police officer…  
Butterfly release day was lovely… 
The children in EYFS and Blossom Class made beautiful garden and nature inspired art work for a joint art competition held at Hill Chapel church  …

Oak Class have written the most outstanding poems, which have been placed on water colour mountains…

Children in Oak Class enjoyed archery lessons and Bikeability lessons for Year 5 and 6 children…

The children enjoyed visiting friends at St.Francis to have a rehearsal before our joint concert…

The concert was superb and the children from both schools were outstanding. 

We had the most amazing collaboration concert on Friday afternoon. Well done to the children in band, choir and Glee, who shone brightly and wowed us all with their incredible talents. The video link will be sent to you to watch and enjoy very soon.

Thank you all for your support and for coming to watch. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.