Continued Support and Continued Curriculum

A situation of remote learning is never ideal, but we aim to continue to provide the same curriculum offer through virtual means. Teachers will create teaching videos that follow our curriculum cycle and the same topics that we would cover in the classroom together. You will still receive curriculum learning booklets and you will have a daily structure of lessons that you can log and access through Seesaw. Teachers will respond to work and they will address misconceptions, as they would in class. You will also receive fortnightly Zoom check-ins to make sure you are all okay and to have one to one meetings about learning, well-being and connectivity. Have a look at the video below for an example of a typical lesson at St.Mary’s. You will also be given a big pack of CGP workbooks for reading, writing, maths and spelling so you can balance the time spent on screen. Maths, English and topic lessons will be teacher pre-recorded videos and tasks and activities will be set to ensure well structured and sequenced lessons.

Please click on the link below to see what our remote education looks like. We are always on hand to offer a friendly ear, provide advice and support or to tell you what a great job you are doing!

We know how difficult these circumstances are and we are aware that many of you are working from home. Please be reassured that you are doing brilliantly. Don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.

Remote Education for parents St Mary’s