
We must always pride ourselves in being smart, well presented and ready for learning. This not only helps our children to feel part of our school community, but it also prepares our children for responsibilities and life beyond our school.

It is our school policy that all children, including our pre-school children, wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. We ask children to wear their shirts tucked into their skirts, shorts or trousers and to take a pride in their personal appearance.

Children come into school wearing PE kits on their designated PE days in order to enjoy full PE lessons. If you are ever unsure, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Brice, our bursar.

Aims and objectives

Our policy on school uniform is based on the belief that we are pleased to wear a uniform that:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in our school
  • Helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • Identifies pupils with the school
  • Does not segregate children
  • Supports the school’s commitment to inclusion
  • Prevents pupils from wearing ‘fashion clothes’ that could be distracting in class or cause upset to others
  • Is practical, smart, and designed with health and safety in mind
  • Is considered to be good value for money

Jewellery, Hair, Make-up and Nail Varnish

For many reasons, including safety, we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The only exception to this rule is that a child can wear one set of small plain stud earring (no hoops). Please ensure stud earrings are removed on PE days. If they cannot be removed for any reason, please send your child into school with their earrings covered with plasters.

Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn to school.

Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school. The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum and children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed. Please keep hair bobbles or headbands to a sensible minimum. Anyone with long hair should keep it tied back.


For health and safety reasons, we do not allow children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels. All children are required to wear plain black school shoes (no black trainers), without logos, that are comfortable and practical.

The Role of Parents

We believe that one of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that clothes are named. If a parent has difficulties for any reason with fulfilling this request they are asked to speak confidentially to a member of staff to discuss the issues. Any matters will be handled with discretion and our full support. We are always here to help.

We welcome children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, we will consider such requests sympathetically. If any parent would like to request an exception to the uniform policy they should, in the first instance, contact our school office.


In summer, pale red gingham dresses, or short grey trousers with white polo shirts may be worn. Summer dresses are available from all local supermarkets. Please note shorts, trousers, skirts, pinafores, polo shirts, socks and tights can all be purchased from local supermarket or may be found at local second hand shops.

WINTER UNIFORM (Autumn – Spring Term)

To be worn until after the Easter holiday.

In winter, our uniform consists of grey trousers, skirt or pinafore, white polo shirt and red jumper or cardigan. Please note shorts, trousers, skirts, pinafores, polo shirts, socks and tights can all be purchased from local supermarket or may be found at local second hand shops. The school red jumpers and cardigans are available directly from the supplier ( A warm and waterproof red school coat can also be purchased from the suppliers. Many children have them but they are not compulsory.


PE kits must be worn on PE days. All PE uniform is available from the suppliers ( Uniform consists of a white school t-shirt, navy shorts, navy jogging bottoms and a red school PE hoodie. When children start school they will be provided with the PE hoodie and jogging bottoms.


Socks: white, black or grey

Tights: black or grey