This has been a brilliant term and I am already looking forward to the new year. We have many things planned and I can’t wait to get started on new curriculum innovations. We will be working with English Martyrs Primary School, as part of our Linking Network initiative. We will have a visit from an Anglo-Saxon, more music concerts, more sporting events with other schools and many other exciting trips and events.
The term has been filled with many joyful events and it is joy that I want to focus on in this blog.
This is the third week of Advent and we look forward to the joy that Christ’s coming will bring us. It has been a joy to work with your children and all of you and we thank you for your continued support.
A couple of days ago, I arrived in my office and saw this…
The note reads…’Some sparkle and chocolate to make you twinkle’ and I loved it! Not long ago, Mrs Brice and I had a conversation about glitter and sequins, saying how much we love glitter. Naturally, I saw the note and thought it must have been Mrs Brice who had planted the surprise but the handwriting wasn’t familiar!
It was Nellie’s writing and the sparkle to ‘make me twinkle’ was from Reception Class. It worked and I feel very twinkly today-thank you Reception Class!
Here are some pictures of our term’s journey for you to enjoy…
School and the classrooms look lovely…well done staff and children for your hard work.
Lancashire Museum to learn about WW2 and veterans we welcomed to talk to us about their experiences in the war.
Beautiful art work linked with Terra Carta, Laudato Si and the celebration of the Season of Creation and St.Francis’ Feast day. We care for our common home and for each other…
Amazing cross country success with our girls wining third place and Ellie coming in the top ten. It is great to have so many sporting events with other schools. Well done!
Super forest school after school club with Roots to Branches…
Reception children have settled like ducks to water…
We had a visit from Christine from CAFOD to deliver workshops and talk about Catholic Social Teaching-a very important part of what we do as a school.
A Remembrance Service led by the children-many visitors came to our annual event in the beautiful memorial garden.
Lots going on in Class 1…
Tree planting at Coble Hey to help our future environment…
We wish you all a peaceful Christmas.